24 Ways to Find More Group Fitness Clients in 2024
Kyle Wood: Hey, this is Kyle Wood.
And y'all listening to the
group fitness experience.
Welcome back to the group fitness
experience, the podcast where I delve into
how to create a group fitness business
that delivers not just workouts, but a
transformative experience for your clients
so that you as a trainer can have more
success, flexibility, and fulfillment.
All right.
Onto today's
I'm good.
Kyle Wood: This has been inspired by,
uh, another podcast episode I saw and,
uh, I sat down and was like, Oh, can
I come up with 24 ways to find more
clients, uh, for, you know, being 2024,
uh, and I think I've got about 27.
So it says 24, cause that's
a more catchy title, but.
It's something, no matter which stage
your business is at, like even if
you're well established, we always
need to be adding some more clients
in because there's always going to be
attrition, you know, there's always
going to be people moving away,
changing jobs, um, falling sick, going
on extended holidays, and things like
that, that can bring our numbers down.
And if we're not consistently bringing
in new people from time to time,
then that's going to lead to lulls
in your business in the future.
Today I'm not suggesting
you do all 24 of these.
This is, this is an idea storm.
And So the idea of this is that
You'll have a listen through today's
podcast episode and hopefully walk
away with one, two, maybe three ideas
that you'll implement, but the idea
is definitely not to do everything.
And then this podcast
episode will stay here.
So the next time you feel like you need
some new ideas to find clients, come back
and just listen to it again, and I'm sure
you'll get something different out of it.
Now, before we get into that,
I do want to mention that.
This week, the 5x5 challenge on
Bootcamp Ideas has started, so
if you're not familiar with that,
it's a little 5 day challenge where
your goal is to get 5 new clients.
So hey, you might use some of these
things today, but I'll also walk you
through, in more of a step by step
format, the really tried and trusted,
uh, Um, to find new clients that,
will maybe a little bit outside your
comfort zone, but like everything you
want is outside your comfort zone.
Anyway, when you think of, um, success
and freedom, so it's not a bad place to
be, especially if you feel like things
have been a bit flat for you lately.
Uh, maybe that's the thing
that needs to be different.
It's the same.
Um, I like, as we're all trainers, to
always bring things back to fitness
analogies because, you know, if we've
been training, exercising for a long
time, our fitness level can plateau.
And doing, just simply doing the same
thing we've always been doing isn't
the thing to get through a plateau.
We've got to go out, find new information,
find a different training technique,
maybe do a completely different style
of training for a while, just to keep.
our interest in exercising if,
you know, doing the same old
isn't working for us anymore.
So that's what the five
by five challenge is.
It'll hopefully give you
a new way of doing things.
And by, by giving you the challenge
of doing it in five days, hopefully
you'll feel, um, you know, a bit of
excitement to, to make it a change to
your boot camp or your group fitness
classes in such a short period of time.
Sometimes it can seem
like things take so long.
So, um, the link to that
is below in the show notes.
Now, the other thing I want to mention
is that, uh, depending on when you're
listening to this, you may have
heard the news drop that I've, well,
as I record this, it's not live.
It's live, but it's
not open to the public.
Um, on a new pass for bootcamp ideas
and it's called the all access pass.
And what this does is it gives you
pretty much like 85 percent of what
I offer, uh, all for one low price.
Uh, and the goal here for this is
really to give you like, there's so
many expensive Courses and things
out there, and fair enough, some
of them have to pay fees back to,
um, RTOs and things like that.
And I don't have those overheads, and
I don't believe that learning the basic
skills you need to survive and thrive
in the fitness industry should be held
up behind, um, expensive paywalls.
I'm trying something different.
Um, I'm putting everything together.
It's, it's one low fee.
It's just like a, a fitness
registration fee kind of price pricing.
Um, it's not going to break your
bank, but it is going to give you
access to some really high quality,
um, content courses, workshops that
will help you grow your group fitness
classes or bootcamp in the future.
You know, just help you
create a better business.
One that's better for your clients.
One that's better for you.
One that's better for your community.
Uh, so I think if you like liking the
podcast, liking the vibe of the podcast
so far, it'd be totally your cup of tea.
Um, and I'll include a link below, uh,
actually a link below will appear next
week when, um, it's officially open.
But for now, just wanted to give you
a heads up that that's happening.
And if you're listening to.
Listening to this in the future,
you'll be able to find that below.
Alright, so now I've got 24 ways for you
to find more clients, uh, and I need to
get through them before this podcast ends.
So let me get my list up.
So I've broken these into
different areas of your business.
So I'll, I'll go through there
and then I'll go through.
What my, what, uh, the way is, and then
I'll share a little bit more information
or a story on each one as we go as well.
So, um, just while I'm babbling
on at the start here, maybe you
could be opening a note taking
app or grabbing a paper and a pen.
Um, so as you listen to this, if you
are listening to this by walking or
driving, just what I want you to do is,
Make a mental note of one or two things.
Maybe pull your phone, not while
you're driving, but if you're walking,
pull your phone out and make a
mental note or make an actual note
of one of the things you want to do.
And, um, I'll try and timestamp these.
So if you go to the website,
um, Bootcamp ideas you better
go back to the specific way.
Um, if you need to listen to it again.
All right, so let's jump in.
So the first area we're
going to look at is Branding.
So branding helps you get clients
because it tells you people
what your business is about.
So number one is to hire a
professional photographer to
take some photos of your class.
Uh, professional just means someone
you're paying, so it doesn't necessarily
have to be someone who charges.
$10,000 an hour.
Uh, you could, there's a range of
professional photographers out there,
and you'll be surprised when you,
um, put things out to your community
that you'll probably find some.
Uh, for example, I had a
client who took food photo.
It was a food photographer,
so they like the catalogs, um,
you get from the supermarket.
She took the photos, uh, arranged the
food and took the photos for those.
So, um, she was happy as a one off
to take photos of one of our classes.
So yeah, so put the word out
there, see what comes back.
Um, also ask if they'd be happy
to take a couple of headshots of
you as well, while you're there,
um, because that's always handy.
And, and perhaps if they're happy to
switch their camera over to video mode
and take some little video clips too.
Um, definitely ask if you can have
access to all of the photos they
take, because it's really up to you.
Sometimes as part of the package,
they'll only give you like a few photos
that are done, but I think ask if
you can get all of the photos because
you can use these on your website and
you can use them for social media.
Um, you'll yeah, you'll just find you
pay for this once and you'll use it
again and again and again and again.
So it's very much worth it.
Number two is to take the
time to define your values.
So Brené Brown has a great, uh, tool.
Brené Brown has a great checklist
for, Brené Brown has a great work
book for this or like a little
worksheet for defining your values.
Why is that important
with finding clients?
If it's not clear what your bus you
and your business stands for, it makes
it hard to connect with other people.
But by being clear in yourself of what
you stand for, what your values are, it
makes it much easier for you to connect
with other people from that place.
Uh, take the time.
Number three, take the time
to define your ideal client.
So who is it that you want to train?
I remember training everyone.
It's not an answer.
Um, there is a type of person who
you want your stuff to be for.
Uh, and there will be people who
don't fit into that category.
For example, running bootcamps, I
knew I was never gonna convert the
average gym goer Who just wants to
pay a cheap gym membership to come
outside in the rain and train with me.
It just wasn't going to happen, but there
was a certain type of person who would.
So by learning who that person was
and how to speak to them made, it made
marketing my business much easier.
Number four, work out what makes your
bootcamp or group fitness classes unique.
So take the time to have a think about.
What, what is different to your
bootcamps or group fitness classes?
And if you struggle to answer this after
working on it for a while, maybe it's
an opportunity to change things up.
Maybe you have accidentally created
something that's a little bit too
similar to what everyone else is doing.
So what can you change in your business
to say, Hey, I'm not going to be for this
whole group of people I initially thought
for, Thought I'd be for, I'm going to
be for this little sliver of people, um,
who aren't being served in our community.
Now that's obviously easier.
The bigger, like if you live
in a more built up area, you
can go more and more niche.
If you live in more of a rural
area, um, it's harder, but you
probably got less competition.
So it's be, it'd be easier to
work out what makes me different.
All right, number five.
Now we're going to move into making
the most of the online world.
So number five is create a
website and search engine
optimize it to your local area.
I've mentioned this before.
I have a fake website that
I use to show other trainers
how to set up their websites.
Like it's like a demo site,
basically demonstration site.
Um, I have done very
limited SEO work on it.
I still get people who live in the
area where this fictional bootcamp is,
emailing me, asking to join the bootcamp.
And the bootcamp doesn't exist.
Uh, those are free leads.
That I'm getting.
That's a very busy, highly competitive
area that I, that, that this is set in.
So, um, yes, take the time, set up
a website and learn some basic SEO.
Um, which is just really writing
where your bootcamp is and mentioning
it a few times and away you go.
Number six, list your business
on Google and Apple Maps.
Doesn't take very long.
Uh, another way that people can
review and find your business.
Number seven, make sharing
testimonials a weekly practice.
So, you're probably already posting on
social media or something like that, um,
start collecting your testimonials and
it's okay to share the same testimonial
more than once, um, so once you finish,
if you're like, oh, I've run out of
testimonials, sure, ask for some more,
but also just go back to the start
and start sharing the old ones again.
But this is social proof and
this is what helps other people
learn Look at your business and
say, Hey, this might be for me.
This works as other person.
This might be for me too.
Number eight, set up your
brand and templates in Canva.
So I'm not already
using Canva get onto it.
It's a great tool.
If you're doing anything
online, um, man, like.
This was not around when I started my
bootcamp and I had to make everything in
Microsoft Publisher and things like that.
And now, you know, you can just
go on Canva, you can type in,
um, uh, fitness promotion and
it'll give you like a bazillion
templates that you can choose from.
Now, by setting up your brand, so
what font your brand uses and what
colors your brand uses, you can take
one of those templates, hit edit, your
brand colors and it will automatically
change the template to your brand.
So, um, this is just a little hack.
How does this help you find more clients?
It helps you spend less time
agonizing over designing things
and stuff like that, which probably
isn't your forte as a trainer.
And instead means you can get stuff,
you can get the word out on what
you're and, um, you get more clients.
Number nine, make all roads
lead to your main service.
So if your main thing that you offer,
maybe you do PT, maybe you do groups,
um, you do a bit of different stuff.
Which one of those is your, the main
thing that you want to grow right now?
So if it's your bootcamps, make
everything lead back to, directly
to your bootcamp information page.
Um, so links on your website, links
on your social media accounts.
Make sure they're all updated and
that they're not going to old links
or old offers that you used to have.
Number ten of um, how to find
more clients is to learn some
basics of content creation.
about copywriting or design,
whichever one floats your boat.
So copywriting is just the
art of writing pretty much.
Um, and design is making things look nice.
So which of those appeals to you already?
It's worth learning some of the best
practices for both of them, because it's
just going to make your life so much
easier, uh, rather than just guessing.
So you, the beauty about
today is that you can find.
Social media accounts, websites,
down, like you can find so much of
this stuff for free on the internet.
So just have a bit of a Google, have a
bit of a look around your social media
platforms, ask people who do you learn
this stuff from and, uh, away you go.
And that's going to make a big difference
because design is all about like making
things look nice, which is about getting
people's attention that that's going
to help you get more clients that way.
Copywriting is about the art of
writing and if you can write in a
way that resonates with people that's
going to get you more clients too.
Now, we've covered online, notice I didn't
really talk specifically about social
media stuff because I didn't want this
to turn into just another social media
strategy type thing because honestly,
I think social media should not be your
strategy, it is part of your strategy.
So we've already talked about a few
things you can use in conjunction
with social media, but you'll
notice that I'm looking at them
from a bigger, more strategic view.
And we're using social media as a tool
instead of as like the be all and end all.
So, let's talk about getting offline.
So what am I up to?
Number 11.
Number 11 is to run a workshop
for your community or another
existing community group.
So, your business is local.
You might run virtual stuff.
That's fantastic.
But largely your business
serves a local community.
So, a great way to get more members
is to get out in the community.
So, have a look at what places in
your area you can rent fairly cheaply.
And for like a few hours
and run a workshop there.
And often these will be like community
centric places that will have, um, you
know, their own marketing engine as well.
So not only are you running something new
that you can then invite people to, which
I'll talk a little bit about in one of
the other tips, how to promote those a
bit better, but you're also tapping into
another, um, person or business you know,
council or shire who've got some reach and
they're also promoting this thing for you.
So it's a win win.
And same thing with another existing
community group, you might reach out
to a specific group, um, that sort of
fitness adjacent in your community, um,
and ask them that meets up regularly
and ask them, Hey, can I come in and
run a specific workshop on X or Y or Z.
All right, um, number 11, I think
we're up to, no, we're up to number 12.
Create a simple eye catching flyer and
post it, um, on local community boards.
Every day.
town I've been to has
local community boards.
So work out where yours are
and then create a flyer, very
just like simple, a flyer.
Go ahead and use a QR code as well.
And then, um, post it on
your local community board.
So go and, um, make copies of it.
Uh, yeah, no need to, you can,
you can still create, like back
in the day we had the old, like.
You'd cut, uh, put your number
and email address and stuff at the
bottom, and then people could tear
it off and take a copy with you.
Now you can just put a QR code
on the flyer and they can, um,
just scan that with their phone
and go straight to your website.
Number 13, place an ad in a
community or school newsletter.
Hey, maybe instead of spending ad
money on Facebook or Google, which
are huge companies that don't really
need your money anyway, What local
community newsletters or groups, um,
survive on, um, other local businesses
putting ads, um, in their newsletter.
This is a great way.
I would do it more than once.
Um, you probably wouldn't think about
maybe I do this for three months or
six months because people need to see
your brand a few times in this type
of marketing before they take action.
Uh, unless that is you've
got a specific offer.
that's time based, uh, that you might want
to like ramp up and sort of be everywhere.
So you might use a combination
of these things at once, like the
flyers and the newsletter and more.
Number 14, talk to
people about what you do.
Like this is, I see trainers who do
this successfully and they get a lot
of clients just by simply everyone
knowing they're a personal trainer.
And maybe you're like, Oh, I don't
really want people knowing about my
life that much and what I do, but
you probably should pick a different
career path then because, um, One of
the easiest ways to find new clients
is just to be known in your community.
So people are like, when they think, Oh,
I need to get fit or I want to work on my
exercise or I want to get healthier and
they think of you, that's what we want.
So it also helps to know, going back
to thinking about what makes you
unique and who you want to serve,
because then you can really share
that with other people as well.
So, Hey, yeah, I really.
work with this specific type of client
and the person might go, Hey, that's me.
Or, Hey, I know someone who
might be a good fit for you.
So there you go.
Number 15, purchase some signage
for your vehicle and to display
where you run your sessions.
So spend them again, spend a bit of money.
If you're not good at design, get
someone to help you put together
some signage for your vehicle.
Or, uh, for like an A frame,
or you've got those like, flags
that you kind of weigh down.
I'm not sure what they're called, but you
see them getting used to it in marketing.
And, uh, yeah, have that out while
you train people, so people know,
oh, I don't have to like, try and
Google you or something like that,
they can just find you very easily.
Um, again, QR codes are your friends,
you know, if you don't have a website,
have the QR code, go to your Instagram
or something like that so that just
people can get in touch with you very
easily and make it super easy for people.
Um, yeah.
Same with your car.
You don't even need to have necessarily
big signage all over your car.
You can get those magnet signs Yeah, have
a think about this might be and if you're
training people in a prominent place
Your car is parked in a prominent place.
It's not gonna hurt to have this
Number 16 now we're moving Into
some more community focusing.
So this is how to leverage your
existing clients to get more clients.
So number 16 is to run a bring
a friend month challenge.
So pretty straightforward, some sort
of challenge or competition where
you people earn points or they get
some sort of reward for bringing
friends along during that month.
Number 17, reach out to some clients
who haven't attended in a while.
Uh, if you're looking for a system of
how to do that, check out my five by
five challenge that I mentioned at the
start of this call, because you can
use that system to reach out to missing
clients and to kind of, I don't like it.
It's like reactivate them, but basically
to like check in with them and be
like, Hey, this is what I'm up to.
You might be ready to come back.
And it works.
It works so well.
So many clients, like, if you're a
genuinely, like, or a fairly nice person,
and people had a pretty good experience
with you, chances are that they're open
to coming back to train with you, but
maybe just something during that period
of their life prevented them from being
able to come to your class as much as
they would, as much as they would like.
You don't know if things
have changed for them.
You don't know if Um, what,
what circumstances and people
are busy, so they're like, Oh
yeah, I really need to get back.
How many people have you heard
who have gym memberships?
They're like, Oh, I need
to get back to the gym.
Oh yeah.
I need to get back.
And then it turned to their partner
and they're like, yeah, we need
to get back into going to the gym.
We need to get back into eating healthy.
We're going to get back
into eating healthy.
And all this kind of stuff,
people, they want to do it, but
sometimes they just need something
to respond to and say, yeah, check
out the five by five challenge.
Um, and you can use that.
With clients who've gone missing, who
went away on holiday, never came back.
It's a great way to
get people going again.
Now I've lost count of what I'm up to.
I think I'm up to number 18.
Yes, run a workshop for your clients.
So before I mentioned run a workshop
for your community, why not run
a workshop for your clients?
And hey, you can add in the
bring a friend thing here too.
Bring a friend.
Tickets are two for one, so
you buy a ticket and you get
a second person coming along.
Um, yeah, pick something that your clients
are really interested in or something
that you've learned that's new, um,
and, and find a space and go for it.
Number 19, write out
and send a newsletter.
Again, for reactivating clients, there's
nothing better than a regular newsletter.
You might be like, oh, only half the
people read it when I read a newsletter.
That's okay.
Um, I tell you, if you're posting
stuff on social media, half
the people are not seeing that.
So if you're sending an email,
half the people are opening it.
So, yeah, look at, um, I've got
lots of advice on writing good email
newsletters, and it's changing.
There's so many different ways to
do it, and that's the beauty of it,
like, it's hard to get it wrong.
So, um, Doing something is absolutely
best better than nothing and Lately I've
been really enjoying this other author.
I was a copywriter.
Her name's Nicole Couture
I think from memory.
Anyway, her website's Nicole copy comm
she'll actually send you as part of a
newsletter a prompt each week So something
to think about she is a little bit woo
woo, which I like But if you're not into
that then you probably won't be into this
Alright, so that was, remind me people
listening, I just did 19, didn't I?
So now we're up to number 20.
Uh, sorry, I've got these as bullet
points, not numbered because of
the way I've got them spread out.
So, another one for you, for working
with your community, is to set up a
system to get regular testimonials.
So before I mention, you should be
sharing testimonials every week.
A system to get regular testimonials
is a great way, um, and these
are not hard to come up with.
I just came up with one today, so
maybe I'll do an episode on this, um,
like this really simple, because you
know it's always hard you ask people
for testimonials and then they don't,
they forget to send them to you and
you remind them and then after a
while you start feeling a bit awkward.
Um, this is a way that I think
will overcome that, um, and
get really good testimonials,
um, in a short period of time.
So, um, yeah, I haven't decided
if that's going to be something.
Is that going to be a workshop
and all access pass or should it?
Well, I just do a podcast episode on it.
Uh, you let me know if you're listening
to this and you're interested,
find a way to let me know, please.
Um, which brings us,
that was 20, wasn't it?
So now we're up to 21.
Uh, and looking down the list
here, I do have 27, so I have gone
through it, but that's all right.
Number 21 is to host a fundraiser workout.
This is one I came across again recently,
and I was like, Oh, that's so good.
That's something I don't
see much at the moment.
You see collaborations, but you don't
see people doing, you know, you see
people on Facebook who are like,
Oh, instead of giving me a present,
you can donate to this charity.
Facebook's got that cool system for
that, but you don't see people like,
I don't see trainers doing fundraiser.
I think part of it is because, you know,
recently, financial stuff's been, um,
been tough, but There is an element of
trust with your community, which is still
another topic for the community where you
say, Hey, I'm, I'm going to show up for
you guys and I'm going to do stuff for you
and I'm going to give you a lot and I'm
going to trust that you, that that's going
to come back to me through this community.
Uh, and I, that's something I see missing.
in new trainers who are entering the
industry because they, they're kind
of seeing like the Instagram thing
and they're like, oh yeah, I'm just
going to like go on Instagram and get
some followers and stuff like that.
And it's lacking this sense of, uh, of
sense of trust, whereas it feels more
manipulative because it's like, well,
I'm going to just grow my followers
to a reach where I can, um, You know,
I'm at the minimum level of followers
to start getting brands to sponsor
me And then I'm gonna make money that
way and it's just that's so gross.
So anyway back to fundraiser workouts,
so I've seen this done in two ways.
So the first way is that
you do cover your costs.
So perhaps you
Perhaps you're gonna do a workout and
And it's going to be followed by a lunch.
And maybe, yeah, you're not in
a position where you can put
on a lunch for like, 30 people.
So, what you would just say to people is
like, Tickets cost 15, 20 or whatever.
Five of that goes to covering
the cost for the day.
And the rest is going to go to this
charitable cause that I mentioned.
That I'm, um, supportive of.
Now with the fundraiser workout bonus
points, if you can get other businesses
involved too, this is a great way to
build relationships with other businesses.
Cause you can reach out and say, Hey.
Uh, I'm running this fundraiser workout
and a lunch and I just wondered if
you have anything you want to donate
or if you want to get involved and,
and, um, have your clients come.
And suddenly you're running this
community event, um, that is
going to expose you to new people.
So that's what you get out of it.
Not only do you get to feel good.
Cause you're like, yeah, I could, you
know, we've raised X dollars for this
charity, but also by getting other people
involved, you're spreading your reach, um,
so you can impact and help more people.
All right.
So that wraps up our community section.
And that was 21, wasn't it?
So now we're onto 22, which is, this
is all about doing something new.
If you feel like you've got the
same five, six people rocking up to
all of your classes, it's time for
your business to do something new.
Unless it's completely out of your
control in terms of like, um, the
environment around you that's
stopping people from signing up with
you, simply trying to market harder
doesn't usually help in this situation.
So that's where I find doing
something new can be the thing
that really starts attracting
people's interest to your business.
And also for people who've kind of
been like following along and lurking
in the shadows and kind of interested
in signing up, suddenly by you
doing something new, that can be the
thing that gives them an opportunity
to say, yes, I want to sign up.
So, number 22 is to start and
promote a new type of class.
Go do a course, workshop,
something like that.
Um, maybe there's a class that you've
been thinking, Oh, I really want to run.
I don't know if this would be
popular, but I really want to run it.
And this doesn't mean you need to
change what you're already doing.
It just means you need, it's
time to try something new.
Open a class in a new area.
So, you've always run the same four
classes each week in the same park.
Go ahead, open the class in a new area.
Alright, onto number 25, so
we're into the bonus ones now.
So number 25 is, perhaps you don't
want to open a class in a new area.
Number 25 is to add a second class time
adjacent to your most popular time.
So what I mean by that is maybe
you have like a re what's your
most popular class each week?
Maybe it's at 6pm on a
Wednesday night for some reason.
5pm on a Wednesday night or 7pm on a
Wednesday night would be a great time
to run an additional class and you
will find You'll get some people moving
from the existing class, but you will
also find that you'll open up a new
group of people who are also keen to
train on that evening, but couldn't
do, you know, 6pm was too late for
them or too early for them or whatever.
So that's something to try as well.
Number 26.
Run a limited time offer.
When there's a deadline or
something, people tend to act on
it, and I don't like fake deadlines
because it's just false scarcity.
Like, you know, sign up for this thing
and there's only, you see it online a lot.
Um, you know, you see evergreen
sequences and things like that.
An offer with an end date.
So if you, you know, you're signing
up for this challenge or for this
like X dollars for four weeks or
whatever it is that you've got, it
puts people into a yes no mindset.
So instead of.
Yes, no, or maybe later, which
is what a lot of people do.
Actually, usually it's
like yes, or maybe later.
It helps with those people who,
who've maybe been keep answering.
Oh, yeah, I'll do this later, I'll
do this later, I'll do this later,
and suddenly there's this offer and
they're like, oh, okay, now it's
the time that I'm gonna get started.
So you can do this in an absolutely
non slimy, gross, um, slimy way.
And last one, number 27, book
into a course or workshop that
you've been wanting to do.
So this is where you do something new.
It's not about changing
anything in your business.
It's simply you signing up
and doing something different.
And I've always found that doing a
course or a workshop, it's just such a
great way to add new energy to myself,
which then comes through in my classes
and comes through in my marketing and.
bleeds into everything.
So this is more of like a
mindset hack than anything else.
Plus you've now got a new skill
set that you can bring back to your
classes and that's going to help
with retention and that's going
to help you grow as a trainer.
I'm good.
Kyle Wood: So there you go, 27
ways to find more clients in 2024.
I hope you really enjoyed this format
and I hope there's one or two things
that you got out of this that you're
just like, ah, yes, I'm going to do that.
Um, and again, like, I hope that's
giving you energy to be like, ah,
Maybe you've been feeling a bit down
and now you're excited about the idea
of trying something and that's what
running a business is It's not linear.
It's not like oh, I'm awesome Next week.
I'm more awesome.
Next week.
I'm more awesome.
No, it's ah, everything's going so awesome
And then the week after that it's I hate
my life and then the week after that it's
like oh But this thing is really cool.
And then the week after that
it's like I Suck and I can't
I don't know how to do this.
I'm gonna quit You That is the nature,
that is the rollercoaster of running your
own business and it's, um, it's fantastic.
And we trade those lows for those
highs because this is what I'm
talking about with being a group
fitness experience, like what you
create and give people is amazing.
So I just want to acknowledge you
before I sign off on this podcast that
the work you're doing is good work.
It's needed work.
We need face to face communities
where we're getting together
and doing something positive.
And that's what you offer.
So even though it might be hard,
even though you might not be sure
if you can do this, like what a ride
and what an impact you're leaving
on the people who you are helping.
And that is worth, that is a hundred
percent worthwhile, that is not something
you're going to look back at the end of
your life and regret and be like, Oh,
I wish I didn't help so many people.
No, no.
And the, leave you with this other
tidbit, you know, social media and the
way online stuff is driving us into a
comparison where we're, where our brains.
We are comparing ourselves to other
people so quickly and I think that's
making people feel really insecure
again about, am I doing the right thing?
Is it right?
Because you know, it's the dollar
sign attached to what I'm doing.
Does that make it the
right thing that I'm doing?
Cause I'm not earning what
this other person's earning.
Am I unsuccessful?
And you, you have to define
your own version of success.
Maybe your version of success is
just being excited about Mondays,
which a lot of people can't, you
know, that's not their thing.
Um, maybe you're excited because, uh,
sorry, your version of success is that
someone messaged you this week and
said, Hey, I was having a really tough
week this week, and then I did your
workout and I felt so much better.
Could that be success for you?
Could that be success beyond
monetary success for you?
I hope the money's there.
I want you to stay in business,
but I don't think we should be choosing
this industry just for the money.
I think there needs to be
something underneath that.
That drives us, and the great thing
about that is that's what's going
to get you through those low weeks,
and that's what's going to help you
ultimately find more high weeks.
So, I'm going to leave it there,
signing off for the week, um,
hope you're having a great week.
Again, the podcast is very new, so if
you didn't catch last week, please, uh,
any thumbs up ratings, anything you can
leave in your podcast app right now.
Would be amazing, uh, would
help me get the word out.
Helps get the podcast, getting
some momentum and I'm looking
forward to bringing more awesome
, episodes for you in the future.
And don't forget to sign up
for the five by five challenge.
You can click the link below to read more
information about that and get started.
It's free.
Did I mention it's free?
It's free.
So you just need your email address
and, um, I'll send you the dates.
All right, that's it.
Have a great week and
I'll be back next week.